Everyone Experiences Anxiety Differently: You Can Do Something About It

We all get anxious at some point. It is a completely normal reaction to certain situations. Our heart rate elevates, we have increased alertness, and occasionally fear. For a few […]
Tools To Help You Move Forward During Difficult Times

Many of us have gotten through some hard times and/or are in the process. What tools help support the shifts? In our brains, we have the capacity for neuroplasticity, meaning […]
Befriending The Negative Voices In My Head

What makes me listen more to the negative voices than the positive ones? Â Is there any wisdom in them? How can I stop being angry with them? So many of […]
Brainspotting as a Trauma Treatment

Sara came to me for Brainspotting after years of therapy. She said: “I am a mess. I keep having meltdowns. My family doesn’t know what to do with me anymore. […]
When you experience a life-altering event it’s easy to believe you will never again feel happiness, freedom, love or joy. In fact, the sadness, grief and confusion that life’s challenges […]