All participants who are present for the full length of this training will receive a Certificate of Attendance from Cynthasis after completion of the post-training evaluation.
Cynthasis has obtained approval for this Brainspotting Phase 1 training for 21 CEs from the Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work which is approved by the Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage Therapists.
All social workers, professional counselors, and marriage therapists licensed in GA will be eligible for 21 CEs for this training at no additional cost. Also, social workers, professional counselors, and marriage therapists licensed in other states in which their licensing board allows training approved by a different state board of licensing to count toward continuing education requirements will be eligible for 21 CEs for this training at no additional cost.
If you are not sure of your state board of licensing’s continuing education, you can click here to check. [You are being directed to a web page on the CEMPSYCH, LLC-the continuing education company owned by Sonya Lott, Ph.D. who is also the continuing education consultant for Brainspotting Trainings, LLC]
For all other participants, you can obtain continuing education credits for this training through R. Cassidy Seminars only if you are licensed in one of the states for which R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider of continuing education for their specific discipline. The cost is $30.
Here are the disciplines and specific states for which R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider of continuing education:
- psychologists licensed in NY
- psychoanalysts licensed in NY
- social workers licensed in IL, NY, & OH
- counselors/marriage and family therapists licensed in IL, NY, OH, & TX
- creative arts therapists licensed in NY
- chemical dependency Counselors licensed in CA & TX
- educators licensed in TX and
- nurses licensed in CA
PLEASE NOTE: R. Cassidy Seminars is no longer able to offer continuing education for Brainspotting Trainings through the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Association of Social Work Board (ASWB).
All participants will be given the URL needed to purchase continuing education through R. Cassidy Seminars after the completion of the post-training evaluation.