Your Journey to Authenticity Will Break All the Rules.
The choice to step into our most authentic self is one of the greatest voyages any of us will undertake in our lives. It takes us to curious and mystifying places – all within our own minds. The Curious Voyage: A Rule-Breaking Guidebook to Authenticity is a remarkable resource for the courageous explorer. It contains stories from the author and many of her clients from their own voyage of self-discovery and awakening. Along the way, Cynthia provides richly powerful exercises that strengthen our connection both to our truest self and to others.
Whether you are a therapist searching for a great resource your clients can use or are on your own voyage to authenticity, The Curious Voyage is a transformative tool. Cynthia’s warm, gentle style makes even the most challenging, belief-busting breakthroughs feel accessible and understandable.
About the Author
Cynthia Schwartzberg, LSCW, is a well-recognized leader in the groundbreaking Brainspotting field. She has spent decades using Brainspotting and other highly regarded techniques to help individuals and couples discover their authentic selves and lead richer, freer and more meaningful lives.
Cynthia is currently a practicing therapist in Atlanta who delights in the voyage to authenticity she and her clients embark on daily. Using the latest in neuroscience as well as ancient wisdom traditions from around the world, she has devoted her life to going as far as possible into the experiences of both curiosity and wonder.