
The Power of Positive Thinking

Jan blog (35)

The Power of Positive Thinking Positive thinking is more than just a feel-good mantra. It’s a transformative process that can reshape your brain and, ultimately, your life. Over the past […]

Future Self

Jan blog 22

Happy New Year! Future Self As we embark on a journey into the possibilities of the coming year, let’s embrace the magic of new beginnings for our body, mind and […]

De-Stressing through the Holidays

Jan blog 19

The holidays are coming. Despite the songs claiming it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it’s easy to feel the opposite. With excessive activities, financial strain, extended time with […]

Developing and Practicing Self-Regulation

Jan blog 18

Self-regulation is different than self-control.  Self-regulation is a holistic approach to experiencing our emotions and behaviors when faced with adversity, painful situations or being triggered by something someone says or […]

Brainspotting and Grounding

Jan blog 17

  I began working in the body/mind field close to 40 years ago with little information on Grounding. Today we will unravel some new discoveries and how Brainspotting is a […]

Authenticity in the Session Room

Jan blog 16

I began giving sessions in college as an undergraduate in a program called P.E.A.C.E. I would walk around helping fellow students adjust to college life, answer questions and listen to […]

Elevate Your Psychotherapy Practice

Jan blog 8

Have you ever felt stuck on where to go with a client?  Or, how to expand your practice but not want to stop using all the wisdom you have learned […]

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Jan blog 7

July is celebrating a lot of awareness, including the five that often get the most attention, Disability Pride Month, National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, French-American Heritage Month, National Bison […]

Brain Awareness

Jan blog 6

Fortify yourself with a flock of friends! There is always at least one who will understand, inspire, and give you the lift you may need at the time. George M. […]

Tips for Mental Health

Jan blog 5

Happy May! This month honors many, including Brain Tumor Awareness Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage and Mental Health Awareness Month.  My father was one of many who suffered […]

Springtime and Mental Health

Jan blog 4

Springtime is a perfect opportunity to embrace our mental health and well-being and take steps to improve our overall health and happiness. What can get you out to smell the […]


Jan blog 3

Optimism “Go for the sense of inner joy, of inner peace, of inner vision first and then all the other things from the outside will appear.” Marci Shimoff Welcome! Some […]

Loving Kindness

Jan blog 2

Loving Kindness Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.  Rumi We hear […]

Alphabet to Authenticity

Jan blog

Welcome and Happy New Year. My gift to you to start the year is a deck of cards based on the alphabet to inspire your authentic self. I have done […]

New Beginnings

Cynthia Schwartzberg– LCSW 2

New Beginnings “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” —Seneca September is a month of endings and beginnings. The Jewish New Year often falls in September, offering an […]

Let’s Talk About Wellness

Cynthia Schwartzberg– LCSW 17

I find it fascinating how different months have different themes. This month’s theme is wellness, a subject I’m sure we can all use more information on. I was curious about […]

Learning from the Dolphins: The Curious Voyage

Cynthia Schwartzberg– LCSW 16

In the 1990s, I was trained in B.R.E.T.H. work (Breathe Releasing Energy for Transformation and Healing as described in The Curious Voyage). My teacher, Kamala Hope Campbell, integrated what she […]