
Day 4


We have spent some time becoming aware of our patterns and styles of relating with others. Now, how about you? Let’s take a look at self-compassion, self-respect, self-work, and/or self-love. 



1. Think of being in a state of being you would like to grow into. I am not talking about outer situations. I am speaking of a state of mind and/or mood such as wanting to feel more patience with yourself. How did it affect you?

2. What is one thing you can say to yourself to support that feeling? I did this around complaining about my looks each morning. I wanted to greet myself with kindness and speak to myself as my friend does. I woke up each morning and practiced it. Over time, I was able to shift my self-talk.

3. How does it feel to imagine being in that state of being? Imagine how it feels in your skin. What do you see, smell and taste in this state of being? Maybe it's a state of joy, peace or calm. Keep imagining it.

4. Draw or write what came up for you.

5. Choose a color to represent this state of being. Begin surrounding yourself with the color and noticing it around you to support your shift..

Don’t forget to share your experience with day 4 of the challenge in the Facebook Group.