
The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking Positive thinking is more than just a feel-good mantra. It’s a transformative process that can reshape your brain and, ultimately, your life. Over the past...

Future Self

Happy New Year! Future Self As we embark on a journey into the possibilities of the coming year, let’s embrace the magic of new beginnings for our body, mind and...

De-Stressing through the Holidays

The holidays are coming. Despite the songs claiming it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it’s easy to feel the opposite. With excessive activities, financial strain, extended time with...

Developing and Practicing Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is different than self-control.  Self-regulation is a holistic approach to experiencing our emotions and behaviors when faced with adversity, painful situations or being triggered...

Brainspotting and Grounding

  I began working in the body/mind field close to 40 years ago with little information on Grounding. Today we will unravel some new discoveries and how Brainspotting is a...

Authenticity in the Session Room

I began giving sessions in college as an undergraduate in a program called P.E.A.C.E. I would walk around helping fellow students adjust to college life, answer questions and listen to...

Hitting the ‘Restart Button’ after 30 Years of Marriage: The Journey

Watch Cynthia on Mario Fields’ Podcast!  Could you imagine hitting the ‘restart button’ after 30 years of marriage and an empty nest looming over the horizon? That’s...

Self-Spotting: Elevating Meditation with the Brainspotting Focused Mindfulness Approach

Meditation has long been revered as a practice that offers profound benefits for mental, emotional and physical well-being. In recent times, integrating technology and innovative strategies for...

Paddling to Wellness: Kayaking’s Impact on the Brain and its Synergy with Therapeutic Practice

  I was introduced to Kayaking around the time I lost my mother and got divorced. I needed something to calm my body and soul. A colleague led me to...

Elevate Your Psychotherapy Practice

Have you ever felt stuck on where to go with a client?  Or, how to expand your practice but not want to stop using all the wisdom you have learned...

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

July is celebrating a lot of awareness, including the five that often get the most attention, Disability Pride Month, National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, French-American Heritage Month...

Brain Awareness

Fortify yourself with a flock of friends! There is always at least one who will understand, inspire, and give you the lift you may need at the time. George M...

Tips for Mental Health

Happy May! This month honors many, including Brain Tumor Awareness Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage and Mental Health Awareness Month.  My father was one of many who suffered...

Springtime and Mental Health

Springtime is a perfect opportunity to embrace our mental health and well-being and take steps to improve our overall health and happiness. What can get you out to smell the...


Optimism “Go for the sense of inner joy, of inner peace, of inner vision first and then all the other things from the outside will appear.” Marci Shimoff Welcome! Some...

Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.  Rumi We hear...

Alphabet to Authenticity

Welcome and Happy New Year. My gift to you to start the year is a deck of cards based on the alphabet to inspire your authentic self. I have done...

New Beginnings

New Beginnings “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” —Seneca September is a month of endings and beginnings. The Jewish New Year often falls in September, offering an...

Let’s Talk About Wellness

I find it fascinating how different months have different themes. This month’s theme is wellness, a subject I’m sure we can all use more information on. I was curious about...

Learning from the Dolphins: The Curious Voyage

In the 1990s, I was trained in B.R.E.T.H. work (Breathe Releasing Energy for Transformation and Healing as described in The Curious Voyage). My teacher, Kamala Hope Campbell, integrated what she...

Recharging Your Inner Sunshine

Welcome to the month of May! The birds are singing, the flowers are coming out to play, and the sun is shining longer than before. Spring is in full bloom...

Authentic Oneness Podcast with Mark Grixti

Awe in Trauma: Authentic Oneness (with Cynthia Schwartzberg) on Apple Podcasts Cynthia shares her incredibly rich and diverse experience in psychotherapy and allied approaches to healing.  In...

Celebrating March

Women’s History Month and Social Work Month are here, along with Spring. Let’s celebrate the women in our lives and the world that have helped make a difference. Some women...

Reframing the Dead of Winter

As we enter the dead of winter, many of us have found ourselves looking forward to the warmth and sunshine of bright spring days. But, some find themselves dreading that...

Cynthia on the Thoughts on Therapy Podcast

  Cynthia joins Bryan Stephens for an in-depth discussion on Authenticity.     All content found published by Cynthasis, LLC including: text, images, audio, or other formats were...

Journaling as a Powerful New Habit

The other day, I had just begun working through the Curious Voyage Journal when my colleague posted about the importance of keeping a journal. As I pondered their post, I...

How to Tap into Your Natural Magnificence

How to Tap Into Your Natural Magnificence We are each absolutely magnificent beings. Yes, that means you too. I don’t just mean magnificent in a theoretical sense. Even when you are...

Preparing for the Holidays – Authenticity: Showing Up as You Are

Preparing for the Holidays As the holidays are approaching, we will be spending more time with loved ones, which can be challenging. Many of my clients do not feel free...

Cynthia talks The Curious Voyage with Andrew Susskind

The Curious Voyage – Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW – YouTube   Buy the Book!    All content found by Cynthasis, LLC including: text, images, audio, or other formats were...

Clearing Limbic Countertransference: Enhancing Attunement

As a therapist, at times, I feel caught before I realize anything has happened. My human nature takes over faster than my words can form. I long to assist my...

Cynthia talks The Curious Voyage on the All Things Therapy Podcast   Website: Facebook: @nolatherapy Twitter: @TahirLcsw Instagram: @nolatherapy...

Develop Your Intuition to get into Flow

Develop Your Intuition to Get into Flow We are born as sensitive, self-attuned beings. Sadly, however, too many of us are feeling anxiety, overwhelm and depression right now. It doesn’t...

The Surprising Connection Between Love, Power and Serenity

The Surprising Connection Between Love, Power and Serenity “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi Last year was a trying...

Getting Unstuck with Brainspotting

How is your light shining this season? What can you do to enhance the light within and stay connected with the healing process for all of those you help? Let’s...

From Fear to Love

From Fear to Love Trauma is healed in Community. Let’s share and heal together. Fear Zone  The other day someone shared the below chart from Off the Mat, Into the...

“You Shouldn’t Feel That Way.” The Difference Between Emotions and Feelings

“You Shouldn’t Feel That Way.” The Difference Between Emotions and Feelings Emotions Our emotions come from our bodies. They are instinctual based on self-preservation and/or growth. They...

Love, Power, Serenity – How They Interact

Love, Power and Serenity are three key ingredients to our vitality and creating life. How we work with them in harmony or distortion can make all the difference in the...

Live and Let Live – Finding Peace

What does it really mean to Live and Let Live? Let’s see how we can use this phrase to bring ourselves some peace. For years I have listened to people...

Setting the Tone for your Day

Setting the tone for your day in the morning can make all the difference for the middle – our daily moments – and our quality of sleep. Whether you wake...

Intimacy With Self – Part One of a Four Part Series

Intimacy with Self – One of a Four-Part Series February may be over but the Love that it reminded us all of never ends, and in honor of that, I’ve...

Intimacy with Others – Part Two of a Four Part Series

Intimacy with Others The Dalai Lama states, “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” And Pema Chodron says, “Compassion for others begins with...

Intimacy with Community – Part Three of a Four Part Series

Deepening Intimacy with Community “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” – Rollo May In my previous two articles, we looked at intimacy with...

Intimacy with God – Part Four of a Four Part Series

Intimacy with God “It is possible for anyone to change the trend of his life, not by hearing or reading truth, but by making it an active part of his...

Everyone Experiences Anxiety Differently: You Can Do Something About It

We all get anxious at some point. It is a completely normal reaction to certain situations. Our heart rate elevates, we have increased alertness, and occasionally fear. For a few...

Self Esteem: Receiving

Giving and Receiving: Guided Imagery for Positive Self-Image It’s that time of year where the holidays remind us of gratitude, giving and receiving gifts and offering our talents, care and...

Brainspotting as a Trauma Treatment

Sara came to me for Brainspotting after years of therapy. She said: “I am a mess. I keep having meltdowns. My family doesn’t know what to do with me anymore...

Grounding Exercises to Reduce Stress

These exercises are designed to help reduce stress and to increase vitality.  They are physical exercises, please do at your own pace and before you start these or any exercise...