De-Stressing through the Holidays

The holidays are coming. Despite the songs claiming it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it’s easy to feel the opposite. With excessive activities, financial strain, extended time with […]
Developing and Practicing Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is different than self-control. Self-regulation is a holistic approach to experiencing our emotions and behaviors when faced with adversity, painful situations or being triggered by something someone says or […]
Brainspotting and Grounding

I began working in the body/mind field close to 40 years ago with little information on Grounding. Today we will unravel some new discoveries and how Brainspotting is a […]
Authenticity in the Session Room

I began giving sessions in college as an undergraduate in a program called P.E.A.C.E. I would walk around helping fellow students adjust to college life, answer questions and listen to […]
Self-Spotting: Elevating Meditation with the Brainspotting Focused Mindfulness Approach

Meditation has long been revered as a practice that offers profound benefits for mental, emotional and physical well-being. In recent times, integrating technology and innovative strategies for healing has led to […]
Clearing Limbic Countertransference March 4-6, 2022

You need to have completed a minimum of Phase One. Trainings are open to all counselors, psychologists, social workers, addiction counselors and others in the healing professions with strong clinical backgrounds, as well as students/interns in the mental health field who are curious and seek to expand their knowledge.