Brainspotting: Phase 1
Introductory Level
Three-day 21-hour live in-person online training.
Brainspotting is a brain-based therapy based on the hypothesis that specific eye positions designated as “brainspots” activate and access specific areas of the midbrain that allow for the reprocessing and releasing of core neurophysiological reactions to trauma-related and other psychological experiences.
In addition, brainspotting is built on a model that emphasizes therapist-client presence and attunement in the healing process. As an open and integrative model, brainspotting is adaptable to many different areas of specialization and can be integrated with other treatment models.
In this introductory Brainspotting: Phase 1 training, participants will learn four basic brainspotting techniques. In addition, participants will receive an overview of the:
Participants of this introductory level course will be able to:
Trainings are open to all counselors, psychologists, social workers and others in the healing professions with strong clinical backgrounds, as well as students/interns in the mental health field who are curious and seek to expand their knowledge.
Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW is a Senior Brainspotting Trainer and Supervisor with over 30 years of experience in private practice in NYC/Atlanta. A close colleague of Dr. David Grand, discoverer/developer of Brainspotting, she participates in a monthly consultation group with Dr. Grand. She specializes in working with survivors of profound trauma, and in creativity and performance enhancement for athletes, artists and performers, and is an internationally known seminar leader and speaker.
All participants who are present for the full length of this training will receive a Certificate of Attendance from Cynthasis after completion of the post-training evaluation.
Cynthasis has obtained approval for this Brainspotting Phase 1 training for 21 CEs from the Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work which is approved by the Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage Therapists.
All social workers, professional counselors, and marriage therapists licensed in GA will be eligible for 21 CEs for this training at no additional cost. Also, social workers, professional counselors, and marriage therapists licensed in other states in which their licensing board allows training approved by a different state board of licensing to count toward continuing education requirements will be eligible for 21 CEs for this training at no additional cost.
If you are not sure of your state board of licensing’s continuing education, you can click here to check. [You are being directed to a web page on the CEMPSYCH, LLC-the continuing education company owned by Sonya Lott, Ph.D. who is also the continuing education consultant for Brainspotting Trainings, LLC]
For all other participants, you can obtain continuing education credits for this training through R. Cassidy Seminars only if you are licensed in one of the states for which R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider of continuing education for their specific discipline. The cost is $30.
Here are the disciplines and specific states for which R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider of continuing education:
PLEASE NOTE: R. Cassidy Seminars is no longer able to offer continuing education for Brainspotting Trainings through the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Association of Social Work Board (ASWB).
All participants will be given the URL needed to purchase continuing education through R. Cassidy Seminars after the completion of the post-training evaluation.
By attending this Brainspotting Training, I understand and agree to the below terms and conditions.
Confidentiality: This training is delivered using a PowerPoint presentation, live/online demonstrations, and practicums during which attendees will be working with their own personal material. All personal and clinical information is to be kept confidential and may not be shared elsewhere. Treat the personal information of others with the same respect which you would expect for yourself.
Online platform. It is understood that:
Possible Misunderstandings due to the lack of nonverbal cues normally present with in-person teaching, technology-assisted teaching is prone to possible misunderstandings and clarification will be requested when necessary.
Privacy Breaches. Technology-assisted teaching utilizes a large number of outside resources and companies (internet and software providers, public utilities, etc). All these entities are prone to their own security risks.
Competency: Treating trauma requires specific training in the nature of trauma, its effects on the brain and body, establishing and maintaining safety, and much more. This is not a course on trauma and trauma treatment, and this course does not make you a trauma therapist if you are not one already. Rather, it teaches an effective tool to add to your treatment repertoire. You are responsible for your own professional development in this area.
Responsibility. This course uses demonstrations and practicums to develop participants’ understanding of Brainspotting and its clinical applications. This course is intended for education and professional development. It is not designed or intended to be for the attendee’s personal therapy, nor for clinical supervision. If you find that you are emotionally activated during practice sessions, please do speak to a trainer or assistant, and of course, do what you need to regulate yourself. If participants need additional support or input following this course, this is not the responsibility of the trainers nor of Brainspotting Training, LLC.
Volunteers and Practicum Process. My participation in volunteering for demonstration and/or practicums is to help myself and others learn the material. I understand this is not therapy and not intended to replace therapy. As a volunteer, I agree to have others learn from my personal experience. I agree to work respectfully with my partners in the practicums.
Scope of Practice. This course is available to licensed mental health professionals who are members of a professional regulating body, and to trainees in those professions. It is your responsibility to work at all times within the scope of practice of your own discipline.
Early Registration: Register before November 17, 2022 – $745
Standard Registration: November 17 to December 29, 2022 – $795
Late Registration: December 29 to January 13, 2023 – $845
Registration Fee for Full-Time Students only in an accredited program: $400
If you do not receive a letter with details about the training upon completion of payment, please email
If you do not receive a letter with details about the training upon completion of payment, please email