Leading from Within: The Power of Intuitive Leadership

Leading from Within: The Power of Intuitive Leadership Recently, a number of clients I’ve worked with have made the incredible journey from struggling with PTSD to thriving in life. One […]
Trust Your Inner Voice: A Path for Growth and Healing

Embracing Mistakes with Self-Compassion: A Path for Growth and Healing Have you ever replayed a mistake in your mind, wishing you could turn back time? I know that feeling well. […]
Letting Go into Love: Moving Beyond Fear into Connection

We all know that familiar grip of fear—the way it keeps us locked in old patterns, playing out the same scenarios over and over. But what if there were another […]
Brainspotting Self-Spotting Workshop September 17, 2024

This workshop is ideal for all those seeking to find peace and balance during challenging times. It is also good for those wanting to expand their meditation practice or try focused mindfulness. This process is known to lead to greater peace and meaningful relationships.
De-Stressing through the Holidays

The holidays are coming. Despite the songs claiming it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it’s easy to feel the opposite. With excessive activities, financial strain, extended time with […]
Authenticity in the Session Room

I began giving sessions in college as an undergraduate in a program called P.E.A.C.E. I would walk around helping fellow students adjust to college life, answer questions and listen to […]
Self-Spotting: Elevating Meditation with the Brainspotting Focused Mindfulness Approach

Meditation has long been revered as a practice that offers profound benefits for mental, emotional and physical well-being. In recent times, integrating technology and innovative strategies for healing has led to […]
Brainspotting Self-Spotting Workshop September 28, 2023

This workshop is ideal for all those seeking to find peace and balance during challenging times. It is also good for those wanting to expand their meditation practice or try focused mindfulness. This process is known to lead to greater peace and meaningful relationships.
Brainspotting Self-Spotting Workshop

This workshop is ideal for all those seeking to find peace and balance during challenging times. It is also good for those wanting to expand their meditation practice or try focused mindfulness. This process is known to lead to greater peace and meaningful relationships.
Brainspotting Self-Spotting Workshop

This workshop is ideal for all those seeking to find peace and balance during challenging times. It is also good for those wanting to expand their meditation practice or try focused mindfulness. This process is known to lead to greater peace and meaningful relationships.
Preparing for the Holidays – Authenticity: Showing Up as You Are

Preparing for the Holidays As the holidays are approaching, we will be spending more time with loved ones, which can be challenging. Many of my clients do not feel free […]
Cynthia talks The Curious Voyage with Andrew Susskind

The Curious Voyage – Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW – YouTube Buy the Book! All content found by Cynthasis, LLC including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for […]
Clearing Limbic Countertransference: Enhancing Attunement

As a therapist, at times, I feel caught before I realize anything has happened. My human nature takes over faster than my words can form. I long to assist my […]
Cynthia talks The Curious Voyage on the All Things Therapy Podcast

https://www.latalkradio.com/sites/default/files/audio/Therapy-102121.mp3 Website: www.nolatherapy.com Facebook: @nolatherapy Twitter: @TahirLcsw Instagram: @nolatherapy YouTube: www.youtube.com/nolatherapy All content found published by Cynthasis, LLC including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The […]
Develop Your Intuition to get into Flow

Develop Your Intuition to Get into Flow We are born as sensitive, self-attuned beings. Sadly, however, too many of us are feeling anxiety, overwhelm and depression right now. It doesn’t […]
Brainspotting Self-Spotting Workshop

Open to all, not just therapists. This workshop is ideal for all those seeking to find peace and balance during challenging times. It is also good for those wanting to expand their meditation practice or try focused mindfulness. This process is known to lead to greater peace and meaningful relationships.
Brainspotting Self-Spotting Workshop

This workshop is ideal for all those seeking to find peace and balance during challenging times. It is also good for those wanting to expand their meditation practice or try focused mindfulness. This process is known to lead to greater peace and meaningful relationships.
The Surprising Connection Between Love, Power and Serenity

The Surprising Connection Between Love, Power and Serenity “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi Last year was a trying […]
Getting Unstuck with Brainspotting

How is your light shining this season? What can you do to enhance the light within and stay connected with the healing process for all of those you help? Let’s […]